Empower Yourself

We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.
― R. D. Laing

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wonder why our kids get sick?

Monsanto is one of very very few companies that DON'T want you to know their product has been injected into our food supply. What are they afraid of? Why have they been working so hard in the last few decades to stack the deck in their favor within our judicial and Governmental systems? Monsanto has proven themselves as being deceptive for well over 50 years. As the saying goes; "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior". Until we educate ourselves on what's going on, we can't begin to bring about positive change to this GLOBAL attack on life..

Over 800 scientists signed a petition, open letter to the government published in Institute of Science in Society ( http://www.i-sis.org.uk/list.php ) to stop distributing GMO for at least 5 years, to allow for more thorough testing.







Saturday, May 25, 2013

Aztec Dancers at the Gates of Monsanto Kingdom

One of the most damn corporations in the world, responsible for letting lose such evil chemicals like Round up or agent orange which killed and crippled so many people during the Vietnam war, a giant corporation which is forcing genetically modified food on the world's population is finally under scrupulous watch of conscious people from all around the world. We all see the rise of obesity and diseases and strange allergies which are due to the fact that we are bombarded by unlabeled modified franken food. (by the way agent orange is now approved for use in US agriculture - it kills people!)


Whether you like it or not Monsanto controls the food supply chain in the world at the expense of democracy. Today people from over 400 cities will march against Monsanto on 6 continents!