Empower Yourself

We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.
― R. D. Laing

Sunday, January 27, 2013

dangerous food we eat

We are bombarded with GMO food in almost every product we eat. In order to live healthy lives, and protect our children from being weak and sick, we need to take them off the GMO foods. It starts with formula for our babies. Formulas that are on the market approved by FDA and government , include bovine growth hormone known to cause cancer, and GMO corn and soy products like corn syrup. We are feeding kids a deadly cocktail. FDA is not allowing to conduct long term studies on GMO by independent agencies but instead consumers are informed about studies conducted by Monsanto who will claim that GMO are good for us. Of course they will claim that because they do not care if people are sick, children get unhealthy food, since they only care about profit. The president of Monsanto Taylor was also chef of FDA so how can we expect FDA to protect us from harmful GMOs. It is very challenging task to get to feed our families normal food since they are not labeling food and 70% of our food supply is including GMO, and it is not easy to eat organic only in United States especially if you are poor. Below is a movie about the dangers that I watched in horror, as a mother of three. Since I came to US 20 years ago, I always knew the food here was unhealthy in comparison with food I remembered from Poland. I see kids here are unhealthy, overweight, and allergies are all too common. I see a lot of health problems in US which I link to poor nutrition. We should definitely be aware of what is happening with our food chain. I wanted to share it with you...There was breaking news for January 2013, that they have found after independent studies on GMO  something else which creates danger in these foods, and it has just been discovered now, it is a viral toxic gene that causes humans to be prone to numerous diseases -Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV). The link to this article is provided below this video..What we want in America, at least 1 of 10 aware Americans is labeling of GMO products, so we as consumers can stop buying them. If we stop supporting the companies that are doing this, they will go out of business. You get the link to safe non-GMO shopping guide below the video.

Read more  HERE
Click here for NON- GMO shopping Guide