Empower Yourself

We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.
― R. D. Laing

Saturday, December 7, 2013

GMO labeling is underway

93% of Americans according to polls are supporting the idea of GMO food labeling. On Thursday, December 5th, 2013 the mayor of the Big Island of Hawaii, Billy Kenoi, signed bill 113 into law. This bill prohibits biotech companies from operating on the Big Island, and it bans farmers from growing any new genetically altered crops. This is a great news since it means that Hawaii joined Mexico and Italy and 9 other European countries that banned genetically modified plants from being planted on their soil.

Biotech companies are trying desperately to prevent labeling from happening by using secret and illegal donations from fast food industry, bribing politicians, meddling with congress decisions, for instance by forcing a well known Monsanto Protection Act which is supposed to protect Biotech companies from being sued in case if  the truth about the scientific findings (Seralini, France) that GMOs are highly cancerous and toxic and dangerous -will finally be acknowledged in official news.

After all it is all about the right to know what is in our food, and if we choose not to eat an apple crossed with a pig, or strawberry crossed with an arctic fish, or if we choose not to eat contaminated toxic corn which is in everything right now - we might just choose not to eat it, that's all people want for now. In the long run, people want to eliminate  frankenfood from our food chain. Look at this sick fish, it is a genetically modified trout, product of years of expensive research, maybe already on your dinner plate. Read the article


Friday, December 6, 2013

The Greed - Pathology of the rich

The Pathology of the Rich -Chris Hedges on Reality Asserts Itself pt1

My weekly best find - Chris Hedges is an American journalist, editor of weekly Truthdig column, who was growing up as a child of middle class among the rich, privileged kids, talks about how dumb folded  American society is by the ideology which became a delusional story we all hear over and over again in official media, at schools and universities that everything is absolutely normal, and everyone who gets education and works hard can become rich. Chris Hedges explains here why it is simply not the truth.
We see Wall-mart for example, and we all know that people working in Wall-mart receive minimum wage, those workers cannot buy enough food for the table, but not so many people realize that the Wallmart owners, six members of the 'Walton family, have amassed an estimated combined fortune of between $115 billion-$144 billion. These six individuals have more wealth than the combined financial assets of the poorest 40 percent of the U.S. population". I wonder how those individuals feel about robbing the poor, creating misery, how they can even sleep at night knowing that the workers in their multimillion dollar company are scrambling for food. We go see the Christmas Story during Christmas. Now we know who are those Scrooges in our times..
(Minimum wage is $7.25, it is an annual income of $15,080)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wonder why our kids get sick?

Monsanto is one of very very few companies that DON'T want you to know their product has been injected into our food supply. What are they afraid of? Why have they been working so hard in the last few decades to stack the deck in their favor within our judicial and Governmental systems? Monsanto has proven themselves as being deceptive for well over 50 years. As the saying goes; "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior". Until we educate ourselves on what's going on, we can't begin to bring about positive change to this GLOBAL attack on life..

Over 800 scientists signed a petition, open letter to the government published in Institute of Science in Society ( http://www.i-sis.org.uk/list.php ) to stop distributing GMO for at least 5 years, to allow for more thorough testing.







Saturday, May 25, 2013

Aztec Dancers at the Gates of Monsanto Kingdom

One of the most damn corporations in the world, responsible for letting lose such evil chemicals like Round up or agent orange which killed and crippled so many people during the Vietnam war, a giant corporation which is forcing genetically modified food on the world's population is finally under scrupulous watch of conscious people from all around the world. We all see the rise of obesity and diseases and strange allergies which are due to the fact that we are bombarded by unlabeled modified franken food. (by the way agent orange is now approved for use in US agriculture - it kills people!)


Whether you like it or not Monsanto controls the food supply chain in the world at the expense of democracy. Today people from over 400 cities will march against Monsanto on 6 continents! 


Monday, March 11, 2013

Wow...about freedom

I was listening to this brilliant man and I would like to share with you. This presentation by Judge Andrew Napolitano at Mises University  was recorded on July 29 2010. It sounds even more strong today.. what has happened to American constitution?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

dangerous food we eat

We are bombarded with GMO food in almost every product we eat. In order to live healthy lives, and protect our children from being weak and sick, we need to take them off the GMO foods. It starts with formula for our babies. Formulas that are on the market approved by FDA and government , include bovine growth hormone known to cause cancer, and GMO corn and soy products like corn syrup. We are feeding kids a deadly cocktail. FDA is not allowing to conduct long term studies on GMO by independent agencies but instead consumers are informed about studies conducted by Monsanto who will claim that GMO are good for us. Of course they will claim that because they do not care if people are sick, children get unhealthy food, since they only care about profit. The president of Monsanto Taylor was also chef of FDA so how can we expect FDA to protect us from harmful GMOs. It is very challenging task to get to feed our families normal food since they are not labeling food and 70% of our food supply is including GMO, and it is not easy to eat organic only in United States especially if you are poor. Below is a movie about the dangers that I watched in horror, as a mother of three. Since I came to US 20 years ago, I always knew the food here was unhealthy in comparison with food I remembered from Poland. I see kids here are unhealthy, overweight, and allergies are all too common. I see a lot of health problems in US which I link to poor nutrition. We should definitely be aware of what is happening with our food chain. I wanted to share it with you...There was breaking news for January 2013, that they have found after independent studies on GMO  something else which creates danger in these foods, and it has just been discovered now, it is a viral toxic gene that causes humans to be prone to numerous diseases -Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV). The link to this article is provided below this video..What we want in America, at least 1 of 10 aware Americans is labeling of GMO products, so we as consumers can stop buying them. If we stop supporting the companies that are doing this, they will go out of business. You get the link to safe non-GMO shopping guide below the video.

Read more  HERE
Click here for NON- GMO shopping Guide